Autism and Adhd Treatment
Chinese medical treatments and acupuncture offer an effective and holistic way to treat ADHD, autism, and anxiety. Chinese medical practices such as acupuncture, tui na bodywork, herbal medicine, cupping, and moxibustion cast a wide net in treating these disorders. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points in the body to unblock qi or energy pathways that cause disharmony or ‘dis-ease.’ For patients with ADHD, regular acupuncture sessions can improve focus and concentration while balancing hormone production levels. Similarly, using acupuncture for anxiety can help to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. In addition to regulating hormones related to anxiety and ADHD, Chinese herbs can also be used both topically and internally for calming nerves throughout the body. All of these modalities integrated together provide an effective treatment for restoring balance for those living with ADHD or autism.
One of the most prevalent groups of neurodevelopmental disorders is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is complex, pervasive, and multifactorial. Around 1–2% of the population suffers from autism, and males outnumber females by 4–5 to 1. Many girls and women with autism go undiagnosed, are misdiagnosed, or receive a diagnosis later in life. As a result, their well-being, mental health, education, employment, and independence can suffer. There has been significant variation in estimates of the prevalence of impairing anxiety in individuals with ASD, ranging from 11 to 84 percent. In both OCD and ASD, repetitive behavior is a defining characteristic. Anxiety is relieved by performing compulsions in response to intrusive thoughts. ASD is also characterized by systemic inflammation, gastrointestinal immune disturbances, and changes in the gut microbiota composition in addition to behavioral deficits. Additionally, patients with autism have been reported to have different amino acid levels in various body compartments, including the intestinal tract, blood, urine, and brain.
Approximately 8%-12% of children worldwide suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a neurodevelopmental disorder that persists into adulthood. Defining characteristics include inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and overactivity. Besides being impaired in attention and focus, ADHD patients also have trouble making decisions and regulating their emotions. ADHD is associated with a wide range of behavioral and psychiatric disorders, including learning disabilities, language disorders, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. The diagnosis and treatment of ADHD kids can be complicated by these comorbid conditions. In children with ADHD, poor sleep could imply chronic sleep deprivation, affecting their cognitive functioning. Impulsiveness and overactivity can be exacerbated by aggressive and antisocial behavior, as well as delinquency. The problem of emotional dysregulation is very common and can lead to later relationship difficulties and mood disorders.
ASDs are associated with significant economic and societal costs, but there are limited treatment options. Treatment strategies for ADHD and Autism symptoms include medication-based interventions, behavior-based interventions, and combined interventions. The most commonly prescribed ADHD medications are stimulant medications that affect the dopaminergic system, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, Methylin) and certain amphetamines (Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Adderall). There has been a wide range of responses from patients to treatment. Other types of management are sought due to the limited effectiveness of the current management.
Traditional Chinese medicines and acupuncture are becoming increasingly popular for autism and ADHD treatments. This method is seen as a natural way to reduce the symptoms associated with autism and ADHD, such as hyperactivity, lack of focus, or difficulty learning. With the help of an experienced practitioner, acupuncture points specific to autism and ADHD are identified with needles and heat placed at specific locations on the body. Research has shown that use of ancient Chinese healing techniques can reduce anxiety levels related to autism and help improve communication between children and their families. Additionally, it has been found that acupuncture can play a vital role in improving concentration levels among those affected by ADHD. As more people become aware of the potential benefits of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicines, it will no doubt be incorporated into various autism and ADHD treatment plans.
The neuroendocrine-immune (NEI) network, which encompasses the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, is the body’s natural regulatory system for maintaining homeostasis. Regulation and communication between the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. As a result, they coordinate with each other, forming an organic network that maintains the body’s homeostasis.
By stimulating a surface acupoint, acupuncture activates the enteric nervous system, which releases neurochemical signaling molecules from the brain-gut axis, such as 5-HT, norepinephrine, bradykinin, histamine, and encephalin. Endocrine activity is regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, and hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis. In recent studies about acupuncture’s effects on the endocrine system, related hormones have been used as observation indicators. These studies suggest that acupuncture modulates the HPA, HPG, and HPT axes. Also, acupuncture mobilized stem cells directly and indirectly in the bone marrow. In traditional Chinese medicine, health and well-being are determined by the flow of qi (life essence and energy). Throughout the body, these pathways form a network. Acupuncture works because of this. Through acupuncture, nerves and endocrine control can be optimized, sleep can be improved, and mental tolerance to anxiety and depression can be increased in order to achieve amplified synergistic effects.