Enhance Immune System
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are a time-tested form of natural medicine which helps to boost the body’s immune system, repair healthy cells and stimulate the self-regulatory functions of the body to prevent illness.
Patients can enhance immunity and protect against the common cold, flu and many other infectious diseases by receiving a Chinese medicine treatment. Acupuncture points are stimulated to strengthen your immune system, and to support your body’s natural defenses against disease.
Generally, your immune system keeps disease-causing microorganisms at bay. However, sometimes they succeed in destroying your body. Although immunity boosters sound appealing, they have not been able to accomplish what they promised. It is a system, not a single entity, that makes up the immune system. In order for it to function well, it needs balance and harmony. Immune response intricacies and interconnections remain largely unknown to researchers. A direct link between lifestyle and immune function has not yet been proven scientifically. However, that doesn’t mean lifestyle influences on the immune system shouldn’t be studied. In both animals and humans, researchers are studying how diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, and other factors affect immune responses. As for healthy-living strategies, they help immune function and have other proven health benefits.
Enhancing your immunity with traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be highly beneficial; both of these treatments have been long-proven to enhance the immune system. As per traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that our life force and energy (called “Qi” in Chinese) should flow without hindrance, allowing the natural healing processes in the body to enhance immunity. Acupuncture has a similar function, where needles are strategically placed along specific energy points on the body which allows for re-balancing of Qi energy levels and subsequently enhances one’s immune system. Not only does this treatment enhance overall well-being, but it will also give you the resources your body needs for infection and disease prevention. By unblocking any blockages that restrict Qi from flowing naturally through the body, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments can make incredible strides at improving health and generally helping enhance your immune system.