Acid Reflux Treatment
Over the years, acid reflux has become a common issue among many people. Traditional acid reflux treatments include medications that can offer short-term relief but come with side effects and long-term health risks. An increasingly popular alternative to conventional acid reflux treatments is acupuncture and Chinese medicines, both of which have been known to provide lasting relief without causing any major side effects. Acupuncture works by focusing on specific pressure points in the body leading to a reduction in acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, bloated stomach, and difficulty in swallowing. Similarly, Chinese medicinals work by balancing the acid levels in the stomach and improving digestion. Both of these ancient practices have proven to be effective ways of treating acid reflux symptoms without having to resort to highly invasive surgical interventions or the use of regular medications.
A chronic disease caused by stomach acid or bile flowing into the food pipe and irritating its lining. More than twice a week, you may have GERD if you experience acid reflux or heartburn.
Are you experiencing epigastric pain that won’t seem to go away? Can you no longer eat the things you used to love because your diet has changed? Many factors can cause epigastric pain, including overeating, acid reflux, heartburn, peptic ulcers, or inflammation in the GI tract. There are over-the-counter medications available for temporary relief. Over the last decade, the prevalence of heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms has increased by nearly 50%. Gastric reflux disease (GERD) is a condition characterized by gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn and acid reflux).
The rate of acid secretion in the stomach is influenced both centrally and peripherally by neural (acetylcholine) and hormonal (gastrin) mechanisms as well as paracrine (histamine, somatostatin) responses. It results in a stimulation of the proton pump (H+, K+-ATPase) that initiates acid secretion by releasing hydrogen ions to the gastric lumen in exchange for potassium ions. This discovery led to the discovery of proton pumps in parietal cells (Ganser, Forte, Sachs, late 1970s) and the recognition that the proton pump (H+, K+-ATPase) is the last step in acid secretion. In the late 1980s, proton pump inhibitors were developed based on this discovery. Acid-related diseases are treated primarily by suppressing gastric acid secretion with antisecretory agents. Gastric reflux disease (GERD) can be effectively treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). It is important to note, however, that these drugs have not been approved for long-term use. A significant adverse effect of the long-term use of PPIs may be accelerated vascular aging, which is mediated in part by their effect on vascular aging. Increasing clinical evidence suggests that prolonged PPI use can result in serious adverse outcomes, such as fractures, renal failure, myocardial infarction, and dementia. It was reported by Hannah Ariel, PharmD, and John P. Cooke, MD, Ph.D. in 2019.
The above discussion shows that our body maintains internal homeostasis naturally through proper acid secretion. For the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems to function properly, they must be properly regulated. If acid secretion is suppressed, acid production would be disturbed. It is more likely that multiple factors than the overproduction of acid are responsible for acid reflux. Several studies have shown that acupuncture can balance acid secretion through the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, promoting stomach emptying. There is evidence that acid reflux acupuncture influences both central and peripheral gastric acid secretion. As acupuncture affects neurotransmitters via neural (acetylcholine), hormonal (gastrin), and paracrine mechanisms (histamine, somatostatin), it balances gastric acid secretion and enhances stomach emptying. Therefore, acupuncture addresses the body’s overall imbalance for long-lasting results. By combining acupuncture and PPI, you not only get amazing results but also eliminate the side effects associated with the long-term use of PPIs.