Acupuncture Treatment for Insomnia
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicinal practice that seeks to balance one’s energy, or qi. Acupuncturists believe that when the body’s natural rhythms become out of sync, issues such as insomnia and chronic fatigue can occur. Acupuncture treatments directly address the causes of these ailments by stimulating specific points along the body’s meridians. Studies have confirmed their efficacy, concluding that acupuncture may improve insomnia severity and provide other therapeutic benefits. Acupuncturists often recommend dietary changes in tandem with treatment for even greater results. So if you’re suffering from sleep deprivation or exhaustion, why not explore the healing possibilities of acupuncture?
Globally, insomnia affects 25–30% of adults and is associated with depression, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The disorder is characterized by difficulty starting or maintaining sleep, as well as symptoms of repercussions during wakefulness. Medications and non-drug therapies are currently used to treat primary insomnia. Medications, such as melatonin and benzodiazepines, can, however, produce adverse effects such as excessive neurological toxicity, addiction, and tolerance.
Chronic insomnia harms people’s physical and psychological health as well as their quality of life without intervention. With traditional Chinese medicine therapies, such as acupuncture, side effects are avoided while ensuring efficacy. As a result, an increasing number of individuals suffering from insomnia are turning to complementary and alternative treatments such as acupuncture. In addition to relieving pain and improving sleep quality, acupuncture treatment on classic acupoints has a long history of effectiveness.
The Baihui (DU20), Sanyinjiao (SP6), and Shenmen (HT7) acupoints have historically been used to treat insomnia. Acupuncture is usually performed with a formula or the combination of a group of acupoints according to the patient’s current medical condition. Acupuncture at these points can have synergistic effects on improving sleep. Studies have found that acupuncture at the Baihui (DU20) acupoint shows neuroprotective effects; acupuncture at the Sanyinjiao (SP6) can facilitate painless childbirth, treat urinary and reproductive disorders, and provide anesthesia for pelvic surgery; depression, anxiety, and drug addiction can be alleviated with acupuncture at the HT7 (Shenmen) point. Another study has found that acupuncture at the Baihui (DU20) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) can ameliorate ischemic stroke through anti-inflammation and antioxidant effects. The combined effects of the immune system and the central nervous system may be responsible for the treatment of insomnia using acupuncture stimuli on Baihui (DU20), Sanyinjiao (SP6), and Shenmen (HT7). Thus, further studies of its mechanism are particularly important. With acupuncture treatments, more than 80% of people suffering from insomnia experienced significant improvement.