Dry Cough Treatment
Coughs are commonly treated with Chinese medicines and acupuncture, not just in China but around the globe as well. A variety of common ailments, including coughs and sinus infections, have been treated with these ancient Chinese remedies throughout history. Acupuncture is a form of energy healing that is believed to be effective in the treatment and prevention of coughs. It works by using tiny needles inserted into specific points on the body along energy pathways, or ‘meridians’, which activate the body’s own healing potential. Acupuncture is also said to stimulate the immune system so that it can better fight off infection and diseases quicker than relying solely on conventional treatments such as drugs and antibiotics. Fortunately, you can easily get back to your regular lifestyle after a cough with these treatments that are tailored to your specific needs.
Coughing can be caused by things other than an underlying disease. Smoke or gas irritants, tobacco use, or improper swallowing of food and liquids are some examples of cough.
It is normal for your body to cough from time to time. Airways and throats contain nerves that sense irritants and try to expel them. In addition to being almost instantaneous, this response is also extremely effective. It is normal for your throat and lungs to produce a small amount of mucus to keep your airways moist and to provide a protective barrier against irritants and germs. When you cough infrequently, mucus is mobilized and no harm is done to your body. As a result of coughing, any unwanted particles you breathe in are quickly removed.
The causes of coughing are:
- The most common cause of coughing caused by illness is upper respiratory tract infections. In most cases, they are accompanied by fevers, sore throats, and runny noses. Colds, viral laryngitis, and influenza are usually caused by viruses.
- Allergies such as hay fever are often mistaken for a common cold (allergic rhinitis). A runny nose, sneezing, and dry cough are common symptoms.
- Those exposed to some fumes and vapors may experience throat and airway inflammation and coughing. There are a variety of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections that affect your lower respiratory tract.
- Lower respiratory tract infections are more serious and cause a fever and a deep, lingering cough. As a result, the airways can be affected (bronchitis) or the lungs can be affected (pneumonia).
- In pulmonary embolisms, a blood clot travels from the legs to the lungs, causing sudden shortness of breath and sometimes a dry cough.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are increasingly becoming popular cough treatments for both adults and children alike. TCM views cough as an imbalance in the body’s yin or yang forces and seeks to restore that balance through acupuncture needling, herbal medicines, and dietary changes. In the case of a dry cough, practitioners typically administer herbs internally to moisten and nourish the lungs. For wet coughs – which involve excess mucus – herbs can be applied externally, such as chest rubs containing ingredients like jasmine and eucalyptus oil. Other treatments may involve drinking herbal teas made with marshmallow root, mint, or licorice root. When it comes to cough treatment for kids, acupuncture is especially helpful as it is safe and non-invasive. It works by blocking pain signals in the nervous system and providing cough relief without medications or other medical interventions.