Jaw Pain Treatment
Left untreated, Jaw Pain can cause severe discomfort that affects our day-to-day lives. Fortunately, there are a variety of holistic treatment options available to help relieve the symptoms of jaw pain. Chinese medicines and Acupuncture have been known to be helpful in treating jaw pain symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is made up of various holistic techniques such as acupuncture, herbs, heat and cold therapies, and massage.
Medically, the temporomandibular joint is the joint connecting the upper and lower jaws. A complex joint in the body, the sacroiliac joint is prone to a variety of disorders, which is why the same term is often used to describe pain or dysfunction in that joint. It is fortunate for those suffering from TMJ syndrome that acupuncture offers one of the most effective treatments, and is able to address many aspects of this condition.
If you’re struggling with jaw pain, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to identify the precise cause of jaw pain, but with the right treatment plan tailored to your individual needs, it is possible to relieve the discomfort. A successful treatment plan starts with finding the root of your problem; whether it be caused by bruxism (grinding teeth), temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), or muscular tension in the area. After you understand the reason for your jaw pain, then you can explore treatments that are likely to provide relief. Common treatments for Jaw Pain include hot and cold packs, stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga, and medications such as NSAIDs or muscle relaxants- all depending on whether your orthopedic physician identifies an underlying factor causing your symptoms. With a good understanding of what causes your jaw pain, you’ll be well-equipped to pursue effective treatment and achieve the relief that you need.
There are several factors that can damage your jaw joint or muscles that control your jaw movement, including:
- Sleeping with your teeth ground down
- Stress and anxiety can lead to involuntary jaw clenching
- When playing sports, one gets hit in the face, resulting in jaw joint trauma Other causes of jaw pain include:
- Headaches caused by clusters: Cluster headaches are one of the most painful types of headache, typically causing pain behind or around one of the eyes as well as the jaw.
- Infections of the sinuses: Sinuses are air-filled cavities close to the jaw joint. If the sinuses become infected with germs, such as viruses or bacteria, an excess of mucus may put pressure on the jaw joint, causing pain.
- Inflammation of the teeth: Occasionally, severe tooth infections, known as dental abscesses, can cause jaw pain.
Acupuncture is one of TCM’s main treatments for relieving jaw pain by helping to redirect body energy flow and reduce muscle tension in the affected area. At the same time, traditional medications used for pain relief such as analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs may also be recommended depending on the underlying causes of your jaw pain. Ultimately, by seeking treatment from an experienced practitioner with expertise in using traditional holistic healing methods like Chinese medicine and Acupuncture, you can work towards achieving long-term relief from your Jaw Pain condition.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicines have proven to be effective for pain in the gums and jaw. A combination of therapies like acupuncture, herbs, and massage can alleviate the pain that can be caused by grinding teeth, tension headaches, or even a misaligned bite. With pain in the jaw often coming hand-in-hand with discomfort in other areas of the head, neck and shoulders, a comprehensive treatment plan tailored according to each patient’s needs is often necessary for successful pain management. By combining traditional Chinese pharmaceutics with modern diagnostic methods we can aid in relieving pain from the jaw up to its related pain points like headaches.