Rash Treatment
Chinese medicine and acupuncture have become very popular remedies for treating Rashes. These techniques are able to offer lasting relief from various types of skin rashes. Acupuncturists employ insertions of needles into strategic areas in the body for the treatment of Dermatological issues such as rosacea or eczema. Many believe that this treatment is effective because it regulates proper circulation and stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Herbal remedies, such as unique Chinese medicines like SheChuang Zi and Fu Zheng Pei Ben help with skin rashes.
A rash is a common skin condition. The majority of rashes are temporary and will disappear on their own. It is important to remember, however, that a rash can be a sign of something more serious. An allergic reaction, infection, autoimmune condition, and other conditions can also cause rashes that need medical attention. Rashes occur when the skin becomes red, inflamed, and bumpy. Rashes on the skin can be dry and itchy. There are some that are painful. A skin rash can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, and skin conditions like eczema. Rashes can affect anyone – from infants to senior citizens. The skin of infants is prone to diaper rash and cradle cap. In addition to atopic dermatitis, children are susceptible to viruses that cause rashes, such as the fifth disease. As skin becomes sensitive to allergens or irritants over time, older kids and adults can develop contact dermatitis.
Some common causes of skin rashes are listed below:
- Environment-based allergens.
- Infections caused by bacteria, such as strep throat.
- Eczema is a skin condition
- Inflammatory substances.
- Infections by viruses.
Some types of rashes are:
- Dermatitis caused by contact: This type of dermatitis is caused by your body’s reaction to certain substances. The majority of people have allergies to fragrances, preservatives, nickel, poison ivy, and nickel (which is often used in costume jewelry). Household cleaners, detergents, chemicals, soaps, and detergents are common irritants.
- Eczema: Also called atopic dermatitis, it often develops in children during infancy and improves over time. Families tend to be affected by it (genetic). Eczema is more likely to occur in people with asthma or allergies.
- In addition to causing raised, red, itchy skin welts, hives are also known as urticaria. Hives may result from allergies to airborne allergens or insect stings. Hives can also be caused by extreme temperature changes and certain bacterial infections.
- Skin diseases like psoriasis cause scaly, thick rashes that last a lifetime. The rash usually appears on the elbows, knees, lower back, scalp, and genitals. It is possible to inherit psoriasis.
- Many viral conditions, such as chickenpox, measles, and molluscum contagiosum, cause skin rashes.
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers remedies that can aid in relieving skin rashes. One of the most popular remedies is acupuncture which involves inserting small needles at specific points on the body with the aim of providing relief. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help to improve conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and other skin rashes. For example, research indicates that it helps to speed up the remedies for rashes and reduce itchiness, redness, and swelling resulting from such ailments. Besides acupuncture, there are several herbal remedies for skin rashes such as chamomile tea, aloe vera gel, and green tea-infused bath water, among others. All these remedies have a calming effect on the skin and help to clear off signs of inflammation and rashes. When all remedies fail it might be best to visit a certified Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who can advise more effective medical treatment for chronic cases of itchiness or rashes.