Severe Allergic Treatment
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) incorporates a variety of healing modalities that aim to restore balance within the body’s system. Acupuncture, which is based in TCM, works by stimulating specific acupuncture points with needles to redirect and strengthen the flow of qi throughout the body. Herbal therapies aimed at strengthening and cleansing the respiratory system are also used as part of a comprehensive approach to treating allergic conditions. When combined together, Chinese medicine techniques offer an effective means of reducing or eliminating allergic reactions, bringing relief to sufferers alongside conventional medical treatments.
Allergies come in a variety of forms. A severe allergic reaction can be fatal. People in the United States face a number of health issues associated with seasonal severe allergic reactions treatment in USA where allergies are common. The number is increasing every year. Due to progressively increasing genetically modified foods, pesticides, cosmetic chemicals, plastic utensils, and clothes over the past 40 years. Furthermore, antibiotics are being over-prescribed or new over-the-counter drugs are being introduced. Adapting to these drastic changes is not easy for our bodies. As a result, our immune systems are unable to keep up. As a result of physical and mental stress, our skin and inside lining membranes become micro-injured, which makes our natural immune system ineffective.
We might experience an allergic reaction if the allergen enters our system through these micro-injuries. Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and allergy injections (immunotherapy) are some of the conventional treatments for allergies. Some people even resort to surgery to alleviate severe allergy symptoms, such as cauterizing the inner lining of the nose and removing the adenoids or tonsils. Over 18 billion dollars are spent per year on over-the-counter allergy medications, most of which give minimal relief and cause side effects like drowsiness and immune suppression. All of these treatments do not benefit the body in any way by rebuilding the immune barrier. As one of the safest, most natural, and most effective treatments for allergies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture and Chinese herbs, is an excellent choice. All forms of Traditional Chinese Medical treatment for allergy aim to maintain a healthy flow of vital energy through our bodies meridians. For severe allergy symptoms to be eliminated, blockages, excesses, deficiencies, and imbalances in each of the meridians and organs must be identified and corrected. Studies have shown that a combination of acupuncture treatment directly affects the immune system at the cellular and humoral levels. As a result, the immune system is strengthened by promoting the production of bone marrow. Also, these improvements can be used to reduce or eliminate allergic reactions by adjusting the levels of IgE, IgG, etc. Energy flow throughout the body can be restored through a combination of acupuncture. As a result, severe allergy symptoms in adults will be alleviated. Acupuncture treatments are often reported to produce immediate results. The body will gradually return to balance as a result of this treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine provides a natural solution to seasonal allergies and everyday allergies. As a result of weekly treatments, the eyes and nose will improve, as well as the emotional outlook and physical activity will improve. All other approaches aim to provide immediate relief when allergies have already been triggered. Acupuncture focuses on prevention by addressing the root problems before they manifest physically. To prevent allergies, it is essential to heal the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, the natural barrier can be regenerated, preventing allergens from entering the body. Meanwhile, alert the immune system, endocrine system, and nerve system to prepare the body for a foreign antigen severe allergy attack. This would result in a less bothersome allergic reaction.