Skin Care Treatment by Acupunture
The best medical and wellness care center in Long Island. We integrate the best comprehensive medical care of Chinese and Western Medicine as the standard of our daily practice. We aim to heal a person’s body and mind, not just their symptoms.

A Holistic Approach to Healthcare
Acupuncture, gua sha, cupping, and moxibustion are effective ways to maintain healthy-looking skin. Acupuncture treats skin ailments such as itching, and eczema-like skin disorders and instigates skin cleansing processes underneath the skin. Gua sha helps to reduce inflammation in the skin, which is the main cause of skin-related diseases like eczema. Cupping improves blood flow for skin regeneration and draws out dirt and surfaced toxins from the skin. Finally, Moxibustion has been used for centuries as a skin cleanser, calming redness and irritation while moisturizing deeper layers of skin cells thanks to its natural warming sensation.
If you’re interested in exploring this type of skincare, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner to ensure you’re getting the best possible treatment. Our licensed acupuncturists can help to regulate the production of oil in the skin, while herbs can provide nutrients and support detoxification. In addition, acupuncture can help to reduce stress, which is often a trigger for skin problems. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional skin care methods, consider giving TCM a try. You may be surprised at just how well it works.